Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Best Place to Get Gummis

In Mystery Dungeon, items play a very important role to assist your advance. While existing items such as certain berries and evolutionary equipments are included, the majority of items are entirely new and are designed to serve specific roles in the dungeons. As described in the Main Menus section, the item menu is the first option outside the dungeons, and the second option while in the dungeons.
Items are generally scattered in the dungeons or are sold at the Kecleon Shops at the Pok�mon Square. However, certain important items are stored in special rooms inside the dungeon which require special items or skills to access.
The most common is the locked chamber.
In both the Sun Cave and the Western Cave dungeons, there will be various keys scattered throughout the floors, and these are required to unlock these chambers. To use the keys, stand right front of the locked chamber door and face it, then use the item from the menu. The chamber should open up and you can enter to obtain the item.
Another common barrier that locks out the items is water. You must use a water Pok�mon as the lead to waddle across the water to get the item.
Sometimes the item will be entirely surrounded by a wall. To get through it, either bring along a Pok�mon that knows the skill rocksmash to break the wall, or use a ghost Pok�mon (note that certain ones like Dusclops and Sableye can't) to walk through the wall. Equipping your Pok�mon with the special Passthrough Scarf will also enable them to do so.
Note that these barriers can co-exist for certain locations. For instance, you will need the key and a water Pok�mon to get the item. Sometimes the locked chamber has the apperance of a simple wall, in that case, you could go in either by the key or by breaking the wall.
Remember that in this game, you are able to ditch any kind of item, even important ones such as HMs. Fortunately, if you happen to lose one of these important items, they will reappear where you found them. Otherwise, you will find a Link Cable in place of these items in these places.
As you can only bring a maximum of 20 items on each dungeon mission, store the rest at the Kangaskhan Warehouse at the Pok�mon Square.
In the later dungeons, occasionally you will come across some Kecleon's Stalls inside the dungeons. Certain items such as the King's Rock are reported to be found here only. You could get around without paying, but it will lead to a catastrophic change on that floor. When Kecleon asks for the payment and you refuse, it will start to attack and call upon a massive surge of Kecleons on the same floor. They are all quite powerful, and so if you're on a low level, better pay than get killed.

These are items which effect will not take place unless you equip your Pok�mon with it, except the evolutionary scarfs, which should be placed in your item bag and used while in the Light Cave during evolutions.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Customer Scarf Pok�mon will not receive damage from confused companions, but hunger will decrease when such incidence occurs
Defense Scarf Increases defense
Passthrough Scarf Enables Pok�mon to walk through walls or walk on lava ground Received from Gengar after clearing the Dark Cave
Pecha Scarf Pok�mon will not be poisoned
Stealth Scarf Sleeping wild Pok�mons will not wake up
Substitute Scarf Tossed items cannot hit
Trap-evade Scarf Pok�mon will not be affected by traps
Warp Scarf Pok�mon randomly warps off
Bounce Ribbon Items tossed out by this Pok�mon return naturally
Free Ribbon No Effect
Friend Ribbon Increases chance of recruiting wild Pok�mon when held by leader Far-off Mountain Top 30/F (requires key)
Golden Ribbon Sells High
Hunger Ribbon Hunger drops Quicker
Lucky Ribbon Gains experience when Pok�mon receives damage
Restore Ribbon Speeds up HP healing but also speeds up hunger index decrease
Special Ribbon Increases sp.attack
Stamina Ribbon Hunger drops slower
Cloud-Nine Bandana Does not get affected by weather
Curve Bandana Tossed items can take a curved path
Power Bandana Increases attack
Through Bandana Tossed items hit all foes along the same direction
Zinc Bandana Increases sp. defense
Detect Band Raises evasiveness
Loud Band Wakes earlier from sleep
Munchlax Band Raises attack and sp.attack, but hunger drops quicker
Persim Band Prevents confusion
Snipe Band Easier critical hit on foes
Stern Band Hunger drops slower, doesn't work in walls
Sticky Headband Prevents item disabling from traps
Twist Band Attack and sp.attack cannot be lowered
Alert Glasses Held items cannot be taken
Discover Glasses Knows where hidden items and foes are
Insomnia Scope Never sleeps
Lock-On Glasses Tossed items hit foes easier
New Glasses Tossed items cannot hit
Rootless Scope Tossed items may change directions
Scope Lens Easier Critical Hit
See-through Glasses Able to know where the enemy and items are on the same floor

Items that can be used to hit foes with, especially Shedinja who is resistant to common tackles. Note that the enemies may use such items to hit you as well.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Twig Deals direct damage
Cacnea's Needle Deals direct damage
Corsola's Spike Deals direct damage
Golden Tooth Deals direct damage
Graveler's Stone Also Hits Foes in Walls
Iron Spike Deals direct damage
Pebble Also Hits Foes in Walls
Silver Needle Deals direct damage

These are items important to keep your hunger index high.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Apple Restores 50% hunger, will increase max hunger value by 5% if eaten when full
Banana Restores 50% hunger, will increase max hunger value by 5% if eaten when full
Big Apple Restores 100% hunger, will increase max hunger value by 10% if eaten when full
Chestnut Restores 10% of hunger, favoured by Mankeys
Grimer Food Restores 30% of hunger, but always induces a status condition
World's Best Food Increase max hunger value by 10% and completely restores hunger

Works pretty much like in the previous games. All restores 5% of hunger

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Cheri Berry Heals paralysis
Chesto Berry Heals sleep
Oran Berry Restores HP by 100
Pecha Berry Heals poison
Rawst Berry Heals burn
Sitrus Berry Restores full HP, increase max HP by 2 when HP is full

These are important to raise your Pok�mon's smartness. Pok�mon of different types like different gummies. When eaten a gummy it favours, the hunger index is also restored by 60%, all other will be 25%. If the gummy is eaten when it is in the Friend Area, one random stat will also increase by 1.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Black Gummy Favoured by Dark types
Blue Gummy Favoured by Water types
Brown Gummy Favoured by Ground types
Gold Gummy Favoured by Psychic types
Green Gummy Favoured by Bug types
Grey Gummy Favoured by Rock types
Navy Gummy Favoured by Dragon types
Orange Gummy Favoured by Fighting types
Pink Gummy Favoured by Poison types
Purple Gummy Favoured by Ghost types
Red Gummy Favoured by Fire types
Silver Gummy Favoured by Steel types
Sky Blue Gummy Favoured by Flying types
Sprout Gummy Favoured by Grass types
Transparent Gummy Favoured by Ice types
White Gummy Favoured by Normal types
Yellow Gummy Favoured by Electric types

Can be eaten or thrown, restores hunger by 5% when eaten.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Dopey Seed Inflicts doped condition
Dynamic Seed Inflicts 20 set damage when thrown. Inflicts 45 set damage on self and foe if eaten
Eyedrop Seed Able to see invisible Pok�mon
Free Seed No effect, remains of Resurrect Seed
Heal Seed Heals all kinds of status
Hunger Seed Hunger index drops by 10%
Life Seed HP goes up by 3
Lucky Seed Increases level by 1
Quick Seed Raises pace of walking
Resurrect Seed Unusable, but automatically resurrects team member when fainted
Sleep Seed Inflicts Sleep
Squint Seed Unables to see things temporarily
Teeter Seed Inflicts confusion
Temporary Seed Makes foe unable to move temporarily
Unfortunate Seed Decreases level by 1
Warp Seed Warps elsewhere on the same floor

Works pretty much like in the previous games. Hunger restores by 5% when taken.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Booster Raises power of the shortkeyed attack
Calcium Raises Sp.Attack
Iron Raises Defense
PP Max Raises nove's PP to their max
Protein Raises Attack
Zinc Raises Sp.Defense

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Melody Stone Used for wishing at the Wish Cave Receive from Medicham after rescuing it / Wish Cave 50/F
Rock Parts Regirock's protection, needed for Orgel Underground Ruins 15F
Ice Parts Regice's protection, needed for Orgel Underground Ruins 25F
Steel Parts Registeel's protection, needed for Orgel Underground Ruins 35F
Orgel Makes Mew appear at Underground Ruins when held Rock, Ice and Steel parts automatically merge to form this
Key Needed to open key chambers Sun Cave, Western Cave
Connect Box Allows you to connect moves without having to visit Gulpin's Connect Shop
Pok�Dollar Money
Beautiful Scarf Needed to evolve Feebas Western Cave 59/F (requires key)
DeepSeaScale Needed for certain evolutions Big Sea 15/F
DeepSeaTooth Needed for certain evolutions Big Sea 25/F
Dragon Scale Needed for certain evolutions Flying Dragon Hole ~30/F
Fire Stone Needed for certain evolutions Fire Great Land 29/F
King's Rock Needed for certain evolutions Wish Cave Kecleon's Stall
Leaf Stone Needed for certain evolutions Wish Cave Kecleon's Stall
Link Cable Needed for certain evolutions In place of HMs in key chambers when the item is already possessed
Metal Coat Needed for certain evolutions Southern Hole ~50/F
Moon Ribbon Needed to evolve Eevee into Umbreon Northwind Great Land 20/F (requires key)
Moon Stone Needed for certain evolutions Sun Cave
Sun Ribbon Needed to evolve Eevee into Espeon Flying Dragon Hole 20/F (requires key)
Sun Stone Needed for certain evolutions Sun Cave
Thunder Stone Needed for certain evolutions Lightning Great Land 29/F
Upgrade Needed for certain evolutions Wish Cave Kecleon's Stall
Water Stone Needed for certain evolutions Northwind Great Land 29/F
All 50 R/S/E/FR/LG TMs and 8 HMs are available in this game, with some HMs being critical to progress in the game plot. There are four additional new TMs.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Cut Underground Ruins 80/F (requires key and water Pok�mon)
Fly Required to access certain dungeons Flying Dragon Hole (requires key)
Surf Required to access certain dungeons Sun Cave 20/F (requires key)
Strength Underground Ruins 60/F (requires ghost Pok�mon or Pok�mon with rocksmash)
Flash Underground Ruins 70/F (requires key)
Rock Smash Breaks walls Underground Ruins 45/F (requires key)
Waterfall Required to access certain dungeons Sun Cave 15/F (requires key)
Dive Required to access certain dungeons Given to you by Whiscash at the Whiscash Pond. If lost, Sun Cave 10/F (requires key and water Pok�mon)
Excavate Breaks down wall in front
Horizontal Cut Inflicts damage on 3 directions Faraway Sea 50/F (requires key)
Vertical Cut Inflicts damage on all 4 directions
Vacuum Cut Inflicts 30 fix damage on everyone in the same room Faraway Sea 72/F (requires key)

These are items which cause a variety of effects in the dungeons.

Picture: Name: Effect: Location:
Alternate Ball Changes foe in front to another Pok�mon specie found on the same floor
Big House Ball Clears out all walls & water paths in the same room
Blast Ball Enemies along the same direction all sent back against the wall
Bounce-Back Ball Inflicts recoil damage on foe for a few turns when hit by physical attacks
Clean Ball Restores disabled items by the glue trap
Constrict Ball All foes on the same floor cannot move
Crash Ball Sends enemy in front crashing into another enemy
Double-Team Ball Increases evasiveness
Dry Ball All lava ground and water dries up on the same floor
Escape Ball Teleports everyone out of the dungeon
Flash Ball Unveils whole floor
Fill-Up Ball Turns lava ground or water in front to normal ground
Gather Ball Gathers all team members together
Hail Ball Induces weather effect hail
Hypnotic Ball Puts all enemies to sleep in the same room
Identify Ball Learns what items are held by the wild Pok�mon
Item-Change Ball Changes the item of the foe in front
Item-View Ball Unveils all items on the same floor
Mountain-Climb Ball Able to hurt foes within the immediately surrounding 20 squares
One-hit Ball Faints enemy in front in one hit
Passthrough Ball Able to go through walls and lava ground
Place-Change Ball Switches position with enemy in front
Probe Ball Unveils location of all foes on the same floor
Proportion Ball Inflicts great damage on foe in front if it is bigger than you
Pull Ball Brings all items on the same floor to you
Quick Ball Increases walking pace of all team members
Rain Ball Induces weather effect rain
Rock Ball Has a similar effect to the move Rock Tomb
Sand Ball Induces weather effect sandstorm
Scare Ball Unnerves the foe in front
Silent Ball Disables all attacks by the mouth of the foe in front
Slow Ball Slows down the movement of all foes
Smoke Ball Will not receive damage from enemy for 1 turn
Snatch Ball Able to snatch all stat-raising moves of foes
Staircase Ball Unveils location of the current floor's staircase
Steal Ball Snatches foe's item when scoring hit
Stop Ball Makes foe in front unable to move
Strive Ball Halves own HP, foe in front down to 1 HP
Substitute Ball Changes foe in front into a substitute
Sunny Ball Induces weather effect sunny
Teeter Ball Confuses all foes in the same room
Threaten Ball Enemy in front cannot move, and warps to floor's starcase
Through Ball Makes self immune to tossed items
Transparent Ball Won't be detected by enemy
Trap-Break Ball Disables all traps in the same room
Trap Ball Randomly sets trap for the enemy
Trap-View Ball Unveils all traps in the same room
Warp Ball Warps all enemies in the same room away
Whirl Ball Sends foe in front crashing in wall, inflicting 5 fix damage


Source: https://www.serebii.net/mysteriousdungeon/items.shtml

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